
I was trying to sleep and i saw these figures...

I see things quite often when i close my eyes as i plan to sleep. When i was a kid it was mostly the stuff i did during the day. Now its that and other things.

I was at my dads place making necklaces. Even before i closed my eyes there was a dude. All dressed, painted or naturally white. Long hair, also white. He was on the right and he got there first. Then there was this mask or maybe a grinning, laughing demon on the left. Beind the demon there was mountains and tents. I saw no people among the tents although i looked for them so as to identify them. Then in the middle there was a figure with many layers of torn clothing, and possibly a pointed head. It had kind of like four or five layers of dark cloaks that was all shredded blowing every which way in the wind. Then that was pretty much it. I lookedö at it for a while and the figures looked back at me. After a while all that cleared away and a bit later i fell asleep. I awoke from my father coughing across the hall. I thought about it for a few hours and then fell asleep, got up, grinded the last two necklaces, put a 45 degree turned Andreas cross on me and left.

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