
Balance and exercise

It would be sort of a good thing if the activities we do, as we go along our life, where easy to evaluate and understand. I can admit parts of what we do can be easy to evaluate and understand. At other times what we do can seem easy to understand and evaluate. Take exercise for instance. We use this much energy to do this and that. Its easy to account for how much energy we take in, and its relatively easy to keep track of oxygenation of the blood, growth of muscle tissue after some period of time if you eat protein and so on. All that is pretty easy, its pretty much high school physics all of it. However, that's NOT the whole story.

Endorphin is released into the body when exercising. It affects perception, muscle strength and overall how we perceive the world and a lot of other things. Thats only the start. There are a bunch of substances that is pumped from the brain into the blood stream. And why not ask yourself what you could be doing instead of exercise. Why not inquire into the whole concept and meaning of "exercise"? In our societies exercise is quite artificial, people go to a certain place, put on certain clothes to do it. That was not the case so often a hundred years ago. A hundred years ago mostly the rich did exercise, the poor didnt have time for such frivolous activity. But still, people knew that if you just sit around and eat or drink beer, you will gain weight.

Well anyway, my judgement tells me i need exercise. I dont really feel like putting on some special clothing and going to a special place to do it, so i move about walking and such, and it comes pretty natural, at least where and how i live now. I try not to regard exercise as anything special or something i "need" to do, instead i try to move, as a natural part of my day. Sometimes i get lazy for one reason or the other, or im busy and that is OK. But i dont go around lying to myself telling myself that im always to busy or lazy.


Touch of Shiva

What i saw when i closed my eyes was a sea of fire.
Within the fire lied a man crying gasoline tears.
The fire raged higher as tears turned into rivers.
I heard three voices whispering.
Within time, they all presented themselves as me. 
First came the voice of reason,
it gave peace to a weary heart seeking salvation.
Nothing, where shown as the goal.
The voice told of silence though destruction of all.
I named it Death.
Then came the voice of rebellion,
claiming the wrath that lied within.
Strife showed me beauty through release of control.
The voice opened the doors of Valhalla to welcome me home.
I named it War
The third voice, was that of a child.
It said "My mother is Death and my father is War,
through me we will live in eternity.
When Death meets Time and War meets Silence,
the unborn will enter your world."
I named it Life.


An old poem

Ok, so i wrote this poem what...17 years ago. Its my first poem. I will translate into english first and then give the Swedish original.

Walked on the bridge
Saw him sitting there, waiting
Walked with death
Saw him await my every breath
His thought where that they would perhaps seize to be
He helped through the forest
I laid down to sleep
Was rustled by words
I could not remember the words, so i left

Gick på bron
Såg honom sitta, väntandes
Gick med döden
Såg honom vänta på mina andetag
Hans taknke var att dom skulle kanske upphöra
Han hjälpte genom skogen
La mig för att sova
Väcktes av ord
Dom gick inte minnas, så jag gick

Well thats it. Why it is that i came to walk this way, i can only guess, for i did not consciously choose it, and i would not tell someone to walk this way. Although i know some still do, like my brother. Although i know some still do, like my father. Although i know peoples of old who find water and livestock, who walked this way.

Molyneux and Kettle about education (in US)

I approve this message until they start talking about religion, in which case both dudes are WAAAY out on deep water, they dont know shit about what they are talking about. I almost feel a bit ashamed for Molyneux and Kettle at that point, they are talking utter bullshit. But before that it seems pretty much spot on about education in US. I think a lot of what they are saying about education matters in europe and other countries as well.



Seismic activity

Jiva posted this on FF. Seems like some kind of christian doomsday prophet. Its from January anyway.

I found this list of 30 days worth of recent seismic data. I will see if i can find any data that corroborate this. This data seem to suggest not much of anything is going on out of the ordinary, around 4-6 reichterscale earthquakes couple of those a day here and there.

Found another set of data that should match up.

So lets check that data:

No the world is not crashing, this guy dont know what he is talking about.

Art analysis of "A stiff arm and a big piece of glass"

As i was walking back from lunch the idea came over me to make a gesture of goodbye to one of my favorite drawings that i made. Its a felt tip drawing in gray scale. I gave it away early this summer to a person i care a lot about. First you can look at it as it is. Then i made some comments on it in red,

The physical economy of scrap

Numbers on forex factory posted this:


Thats some fucked up shit!

These guys are going Mad Max/post apocalypse, and the cops are still in fascist mode. Well those cops are about ooh... one election from being fired most of em. The ecnonomy of:

Building stuff > taring it down > hauling scrap > getting a fine for most of the value

That economy is maybe something like (x/5) (x/2) (x/2), meaning first 80% of the value is removed, then 50% of the value is removed and then 50% of the value of what was built in the first place remains in the physical economy. Im just guessing here. But lets go into it a bit more.

First someone built those things that was the scrap before the guy hauled it. Building something then taring it down, anyone can see how thats a waste of time and energy. I mean if you build a house a new house in Luleå it costs around 250.00 USD in the city. If you tare that whole thing down, its NO WAY NEAR worth 250.000 USD as a heap of concrete, glass, plastic and steel. Its at most worth 25.000 USD. It might be worth a bit if you carefully disassemble it and sell the parts as working things, the toilette, the sink, cables and all that, but its still not worth any more then 50.000. But all that stuff you need to disconnected it from where its at, pack it carefully and haul it off, store it while you are trying to sell it and then maybe sell it. All that process really costs, maybe halving the value of the stuff you got. If you need to pay a god damn fine for doing the whole thing, it aint much of that 50.000 USD left from that house, maybe 20.000.

So i mean you begin with a thing worth 250.000 and you get something worth at most 20.000. The economy of hauling scrap and getting a fine wont work in the long run. Its actually deteriorating the physical economy, not building it.

A few pictures from the forest

I thought id spice this up with a few photos i took in the forest. As soon as a get my stationary computer up and running some time in the fall, i will post new pictures from this summer.


Well yeh seeh he haint got no good work in im!

Wippersnapper: "Sherri f this a here boy ima getting from the court, he ainta working no hard like the oddez!"

Sheriff: "Weeell seea here a madam we canna be bad to thisa hera boy eh? We canna be seen unde de load up above in de cloudz uppa thera see?

Wippersnapper: "Eeh sherrif but is hard yeh know? Thisa her a boy he no work fast as the oddez.

Sherriff: "Well seea madamz place hera, so lemme jimmy something inna dere to sweeten the deal yeah? Bag o sweet tatoes to feed the boya eh?

They struck the deal and Wippersnapper went home to the oddez and the boya. They ate the tatoes and Wippsersnapper talked to the boya:

Wippersnapper: "Way is ere bonez neva movin really?

The Boya: "Eeh i no wanna woman! Is not mah gem!"

Wippersnapper: "I see yah dere in the workplais, yo no working fast as the oddez, yer just sitting dere scribbling in det book of yers or just sitting dere! Its not OK, not OK."

The Boya: "But i cannae do it, is not my gem im tellin yah, meke me feel lika machine oke? Is the sem thing ova and ova and ova agein, ok mam? Imma no machine imma person!"

Wippersnapper bit her lip, she could see the logic in this and she knew what the boya was talking about, she felt the same way. But still she had to in some way try to justify the world of adults, money and goods to the boya, so that he could keep up what little work he was doing. This was HER job, to see to it that everybody kept working their job, and if she didnt do it somebody else would and Wippersnapper would have to go find work somewhere else or her family would be worse off.  Wippersnapper kept at it with the boya, but to no avail.

I am being enforced into me by me

Ok so, who is it that makes me into me? Who is it that decides what i do?

Well according to normal english language you say: "Who drank my beer?" Yeah ok, so then you should be able to ask the question: "Who is doing my thinking for me?". And well actually who is it that decides what to think about for me? What i want to know is, who decides that i have a certain thought?

Ok the problem here is that if i say that it is me who is telling me what to think and tell about it for me so that me hear it in such a capacity so as to actually here it even though there is no sound at all. What seems rather strange in here is that there seems to be rather a lot of people involved in the whole process of thinking since the word "me" occurs a lot in that sentence. So that kind of leads me to think, and i hope im not making any emotional jumps here: The thought that occurs IS me, i cannot describe it truly in any other way. The idea that there is person having a thought is therefore false, the "me" is the thought that occurs. In here im actually giving a book that explains this in further detail, in so doing creating an ACTUAL reference to litterature i think you would want  to read: George Herbert Meads lectures written down against his judgement and spread in print. So GH Mead is pretty much a mystic/social psychologist, the language of psychology, the life and so the background for interpretation of a reclusive mystic.

Mixed emotions

Met my ex wife yesterday as i went back to Umeå with my father to collect all my nice books (like Sun Tzu, the art of war (Actually i have it in my pocket now)). Well she was not really my wife, but we where together for 12 years, and like my father said yesterday "Thats pretty much like a marriage." Maybe interesting here is that my fathers first marriage was a lot shorter then 12 years. Well anyway...

When i saw her face my heart was screaming "There she is!" My mind was saying "Im not really here, its only for today, all these things has already past and im simply viewing existence through the eyes of a temporary human vessel." At the same time i had to try to at least sort of sound like a person with a "me" as i was talking to her and my father. While at the same time i had to think about actually drinking the coffee, even though all events already had taken place. So i had to project back in time so to speak, since i already decided that these events had already taken place so i could not affect its outcome.

But really, what are these things that passes for "emotions"? I dont want to sound cold or boring, i simply want to know. Because, as a human i have the thought process creation ability that other animals dont, i can simply introduce a way of explaining this, refining the explanation as i go along. So just a few words on research background. But please, remember, we are talking about real people here, im a real person and i dont fuck around with this shit (social science, although in the later part of this i must warn you i will drift into litterature since i really need to write how i perceived reality at that time), this is no god damn fucking university retarded bullshit, ill actually try to get to the core directly. So ill be short, and hopefully sweet.

Science has REALLY had a BIG fucking problem with emotions. They look at it, turn it around, get rid of the whole thing, try to ignore, try to blame it on some bullshit crap, but never ever do they just fucking TRY TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND FOR GODS SAKE. I mean it, they really dont try! If they DID try, they would found out its actually doable for crist sake! So thats for research background!

Now im getting into my theory, then ill apply to some conrecete empirical evidence, you dig so far? Cool. My theory is the first thing that pops into my mind when i think this question to myself: What is emotions? Superlogical non confined, non defined mental entities. What the fuck do i mean by that, that sounds horrible i dont get it at all?! Ok ill explain each word and how they describe the whole thing.

"Superlogical" This means that its not really logical, because people talk, scientists and poets and artists and whatnot talk about as if its kinda the antithesis to logic, that its kinda weird kinda jumps on yah from behind with claws and shit. That its sort of unpredictable, which is opposite to logic that is predictable.

"non confined, non defined" It means we really dont know about it, where does it start, how big is it, when does it end, how to measure it, what is it made of and all that. Yeah sure, some dude covers someones scull with electrodes and measure how much electricity goes somewhere and such, but from what i can see all that research is going nowhere, it cant say anything useful about this, and believe me i looked  into.

"mental entities" Well i say emotions are mental entities because they arent really chairs or orange juice or beer cans. They arent physical objects, But still we talk about them as if they are things, so in that sense they kind of ARE things.

Ok so there we got the theory of emotions all nice and explained. So then let me ask a couple of  research questions to my gatherings of empirical data and then i will apply the theory.

  • What does it mean to be influenced by emotions?

Well i think feelings is a name for something i could call our primal driving force. This force is mostly animalistic to its nature, meaning other animals also have it and depend on it. Its one of the building blocks of our society and our environment. Its in all living things and acts through them. Even trees has the same primal driving force as we do. 

That means all living things have emotions so its the basis of our nature, it forms and transforms everywhere. Its even a part of logic, its at the root of why and how we exist in the universe. Therefore we are always influenced by emotions. Without them we would not feel the need to drink, eat sleep and so on. 

  • What does it mean not to be controlled by emotions? 
Emotions are quick. The first thing that pops into our mind, thats pretty much based on raw emotion. But then as that first thing pops into your mind you sort of try to analyze the situation a bit and see if thats a weird response or not. Could you do that? What would happen? I think not to be controlled by emotions means to be able to just take a step back and look at that first thing that pops into your mind and try to find out where its coming from, if it seems smart or not, will somebody be angry and what would you think if you where in some elses shoes. The more you are stepping away from that first idea, the less controlled by it will you be.                                    
                       But i mean maybe you dont need to step back and think about that first idea, maybe you can just go with the flow and do the first thing. If you do that you will be controlled by emotion.

  • So is it good or bad to be controlled by emotions?
I really dont fucking know, stop asking me all these questions. Well if your emotions are leading you to do destructive acts, maybe you need to take a step back. But if your emotions is all in harmony with the surrounding area, things can move really slow and there is a lot of time for thinking, then maybe just going with the first impulse will work. 

Yeah so let me apply these to real world situations, ill just mix em in like a DJ or something, a fuck it just keep reading for gods sake.

When im influenced by emotions it can be like when im in the forest and i stretch my arm out for some of natures stuff down on the ground. She is giving her flesh, im eating it. Her body becomes part of mine in an ever cycling process. Its mostly water, but it dont taste like that it just explodes like C4 in the mind filling it with the idea of fresh blueberries, it wipes ALL other things from the slate and instead of a hunk of flesh im instantly transported to the dimension called "fresh blueberries".

To be influenced by emotions can be like when i heard thunderous steps, like a phantom way larger then an elephant. Either i was hearing from another dimension or i was hearing a thousandfold from our normal reality. The thing was with that place, there really was no sound there. It was below a big powerline in he forest southeast of Umeå. I walked further into the forest and found a REALLY dark patch. I peered into dark misty world where spores of mold came in chunks big enough to break the sunlight and make them visible in the air. My lungs was saying "Yo dude just dont fucking go there. " Instead i went back to the trail below the powerlines and i came to a big rock, got some wood and lit a fire and grilled my sausages. As i ate them thin clouds drifted past way up above. I got the sense something drifted over me from that dark patch of forest i left behind, now between me and Umeå City (i was way out in the forest, both mentally and physically, i left the body experience couple of miles down the trail in the dust and noise of the city). Later i think a small plane drifted by, but then i heard something in the high grass, probably something living under the rock. I had been totally quite for a long time, im not counting breaking twigs to put in the fire as sound, since there was no person there (im not counting myself, remember i have no body experience here) to perceive it and the forest doesnt perceive it as something out of the ordinary. And since the forest dont have a clock, something not out of the ordinary can repeat again and again and still not be something out of the ordinary. That is to be influenced by emotions.

To be controlled by emotions is, to take a trading example, but dont worry i wont get into any boring technicals: I cant fucking sleep because there is a lot of fucking doe on stake here. Its not a big fat wad of gold coins, but comparably its a big fucking deal. Do you fucking know what sleep deprivation and god damn coffee at 6 o clock in the god damn fucking moring to be able to stay the fuck awake and stare at your god damn fucking numbers all fucking god damn hours of the god damn motherfucking clock on the shitface asshole motherfucking wall of god damn shame and total totalitarian utter punishment of torture and pain!

24 hours a day!
24 hours a day!

That is to be fucking god damn controlled by satanic god damn motherfucking emotions.

(Oh by the way, i get the nounces of personification rather mixed sometimes and i can actually refer to myself as another person as the one behind the keyboard, but i checked the text at least once to verify that i didnt do this mistake anywhere in the text, but still if i did i apologize for this rather slight inconvenience really.)

So just to sort of be fair or something ill take another, less horrendous example of what its like to be controlled by emotions: I had hit rock bottom, had to get away from trading. I walked off into the forest. This was 15 moons ago. I told my wife i was going into the forest, i had my phone. I walked on paths where i didnt see people. If i saw them i search for another path. If i heard traffic i went the other way. I came to steep hillside filled with nettles. But these are no derivates, fuck no, these are the real thing, these just hurt and then its gone, pure sensation. It was weeks later i remembered i was wearing pants that ended by the knee. It was weeks later i looked at my legs and saw the little scars. I climbed the hillside. Fuck no, i didnt, i thought i did at first but i didnt, i only got halfway. The ground was covered with a thick layer of rottening nettles. Later i came to a place where i found firewood. I had no food so i starved all day. Now actually i had to omit most of that story because it doesnt fit with what im saying here. Well anyway, thats what its like to be controlled by emotion.

Then i lit the fire. The plants crawled into me, or i crawled into them, same thing. I felt the fire from below, spreading my wings, heading my feathers in it. I stretched my neck to see behind the tufts of grass, looking for frogs. I came to the stone and felt the smell of death, i dont like it but i have to eat otherwise i die to. Its maybe poetic but completely true.

 As i got back to the path just walked along and came to a musty, misty, damp, dark, lingering, lonesome patch of the forest with no little guys running along on the floor of the forest because they dont like all that wet. So the municipalitys people had placed planks to walk on so as to be able to run there without rubber boots. Although these days hardly ever did anyone run here, and i know, at times i spent more time in those forests then i did at home. Any given good trail with planks and all get an average of say 6 visitors, counting dog and human. Trust me i know i sat all day at the same place overseeing the trails. After dark nobody ever go into the forest.

So about if its good or bad to be controlled by emotions: Well let me tell you what its like to be in harmony with emotions, where you are not controling them, they are controling you. If you align yourself with your emotions, which is very simple, you will harmonize with your emotions. This is what you do: Ask yourself: "What do i want to do?" Do that and you will harmonize with the feeling. If the feeling is disharmonious you will be disharmonious if you unite with it. If you had the emotion, you are disharmonious. Chill out, im not talking no god damn new age crap here, im just applying the friggin words to themselves in a very logical manner, this is no magic or friggin hokus pokus! Check it: If you seem to want something you think that you do not want, then you both want and dont want. The way here is not to want, dont want a thing! Not want! Dont do a thing! Dont think about what you are going to do with the thing and then later you gonna go there and talk to... No no no, none of that, away with that. Dont think that you are person and all that just relax from all that, just dont do anything. If you still seem to want to think about something do that, but just sit still. Dont go anywhere and fetch some tea or some bullshit, just sit the fuck down. And ok you want to think about something ok, but dont write it down or anything just sit still. Forget about time, its mumjumbo pretend magic anyways. Ok so dont do anything. Just keep not doing anything, nevermind how much time is passing, when you need to know a lot of time has passed, your body will tell it to you for sure, dont worry trust me, ive done this a lot. So dont do anything. If you are not doing anything, you need to sit or at least stand comfortably. So do that. Ok so now that you are doing nothing, its quite obvious thats what you are doing all that time, you are alive. You can think about what you are going to do later. Just dont do anything. So trust me, try it out, dont do anything. I think not doing stuff for a bit is a good idea for you.


Killings in Venezuela


In about 37 minutes they talked quite a lot. One of the factual things brought up by Cassel was Chavez supposed connection to the FARC guerilla. I think this is another example of the kind of fragmented thinking without regard for background, wisdom and the big picture. The people doing the talking is people who pretty much like to talk. Thats quite important.

After those 37 minutes throwing around the ball, what is arrived at is pretty much that nobody knows why people are being killed. Its quite telling how they handle the issue: They have data that more people are being killed in Venezuela then before, but since these people are using a quick, shallow way of thinking, they have a hard time pinning down and understanding what is going on.

Instead actually having somebody FROM Venezuela there, somebody who maybe had to kill other people to stay alive, or who at least lived there all their life in that place where all those people get killed. Having somebody like that on would be a good idea.


Look around you in youre neighbourhood at night, when darkness engulf the streets. There is nobody out there like it used to be. Ive biked through neighbourhoods in the middle of the day a warm summer day. Everybody is inside. Some was gone to some other place, but most peoples cars was in the driveway, they where home, but they wherent going outside. One of the sunniest and best days on the summer! What the hell are people doing all the time!? This world has outrun me. I was on my bike, like i was twenty years ago. I sat down in the grass and eat a fruit when i was hungry. I walked and walked, didnt matter where. I found sweet berries in the forest. The mosquitos where biting but i got used to it real quick. I thought of the future and what the forest will look like in a hundred years. Will there be any forest there at all? Will the rock be bare without moss? What of the swans, will they be able to raise theyre kids here like they did for a hundred years before. And as i walked through damp, quiet forests there was a great sense of lonelyless sometimes. I was often alone in the forest. It was not very often that i met people there. But then a bird came and sat on the twig wathcing me with its tiny eyes. No greater then a pebble it sat there, and i could see it looking down on me. He saw me and knew that i was there and i saw him and knew that he was there. And i wasnt alone anymore, there was somebody there besides me.

The plague of the shattered ego

It seems like mainstream media, and people paying for it, is very set in it tracks when it comes to dividing issues, disciplines, words and so on. An example of this is: Think about how the knowledge of words are made into a set object in the minds of people with a mind in this way. A person is said to "To know many words" or to have "A big stoorage of words" at hand. As if words are a thing, a mold you bring forth and apply to the physical world around you. Its a very specific epistemological standpoint, meaning to think thats what words are is by no means self evident in any way. Basic, popularized version of Jean Piaget sets him in this camp. I think he himself would have a lot to say about it, especially when we regard he was one of the 20th centuries most prolific writers.

Anyway, i think that the modern propensity for dividing what ever it is that is under scrutiny, into say politics, economy and law directs how people understand the world. I was struck by the weight and importance of this as i was at a party couple of weeks ago and talked to an old friend who is quite set in these ways of division. He found it odd that i jumped between issues. I didnt think that was what i was doing.

Think about it this way: Any complex process has subprocesses. In a world that divides things, if you examine the say monetary economic aspect of something, you will say something about only that. And then if you talk about something from a religious standpoint, you will say something quite different about, yet what is at its core in both cases is part of the same process. So then, a divided way of perception has great difficulty in saying something about the process, since it can only lift one little detail into light and say a few words about it, then forget that and move on to the next. I dont think thats a good way to wisdom. But then on the other hand, wisdom was never the goal of media, education and state affairs. These things are rather apparatus of the elite to control the masses.

This of course seeps into such a thing at the, let me say shredded, destroyed and forgotten political debate. I should not go into that very far since it only makes me sick to my stomach. But sufficed to say, the division of left/right is an over 200 year old idiotic division. I can see how there is a great divide between market economy and a centrally planned economy. Since they are both, in practice built on religious fervor, insanity, oppression and fascism, neither is very important at all.

Some people

So heres a few names of relatively modern times people whose world wievs and wisdom is really something to treasure. At least they are modern to such an extent that what they talked about is a big part of our lives and matters to us. Not listed in order of importance, but rather in the order my mind summons them.

Mary Wollstonecraft
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Isaac Asimov
Xavier Rudd
Mahatma Gandhi
Noam Chomsky
Aliester Crowley
Alex Jones
Daniel Estulin
The anointed one
John Perkins
Michael Rupert
Leontjev Vijgotskij (Vygotsky i think is the anglican version of his name)
Michail Bacthin
Immanuel Kant (Anybody since right before 1789 is surely to be considered modern, right?)
Bob Marley
Jesse Ventura
Plato (Ok his sort of not so modern, but 2.500 years is not long compared to the years earth has existed)
Ludwig Wittgenstein
St. Augustine (He is 800 years closer to us then plato + he started reading without speaking and thats very modern of him)
Jean Piaget
Franklin Roosevelt
Bertrand Russel
Bill Bailey
Renee Descartes (a bit more then 100 years before 1789, buts he is close enough)
Karl Marx
Thomas Hobbes
David Hume
George Herbert Mead
Erving Goffman
Hegel (not so sure about this one need to read more of his stuff)

Military industrial complex subjugation of the US people and its constitution

Civilisan inmate labour program


Jesse venturas FEMA camp episode


A few links on magic and mysticism (will expand this)

Site with a sumerian dictionary, mostly about magic.


Alister Crowleys "Book of the law"


About older material

I decided not to place anything on this blogg if its about currencies specifically. But as sometimes it happend i said something not connected to that on FF ill try to find those posts and if its still important, ill post it here.



A theory of government

  • Everything concerning the government of society is voluntary.
  • No person acting as the government has any other rights then any other person.
  • All persons are equal to the law.
  • No rule or view is non negotiable.
  • The law is that any person can be accused of a crime, but the accuser will be accused in case of false accusation. 
  • There is no need to interpret laws in a very standardized way, its the role of the court to decide.
  • The court is the accused, the accused defender, the accuser, the accuseds legal aid, the judge, the jury and whoever wants to be there. Who holds which job is voted upon before every court. The judge makes her/his judgement, and the jury makes they're judgement. Before court is assembled a vote is to be taken by everyone present to decide whether the judge or the jury's decision will have precedence. If both jury and judge agree that sentence will be final.
  • Government makes laws through a majority of votes on a subject.