

Look around you in youre neighbourhood at night, when darkness engulf the streets. There is nobody out there like it used to be. Ive biked through neighbourhoods in the middle of the day a warm summer day. Everybody is inside. Some was gone to some other place, but most peoples cars was in the driveway, they where home, but they wherent going outside. One of the sunniest and best days on the summer! What the hell are people doing all the time!? This world has outrun me. I was on my bike, like i was twenty years ago. I sat down in the grass and eat a fruit when i was hungry. I walked and walked, didnt matter where. I found sweet berries in the forest. The mosquitos where biting but i got used to it real quick. I thought of the future and what the forest will look like in a hundred years. Will there be any forest there at all? Will the rock be bare without moss? What of the swans, will they be able to raise theyre kids here like they did for a hundred years before. And as i walked through damp, quiet forests there was a great sense of lonelyless sometimes. I was often alone in the forest. It was not very often that i met people there. But then a bird came and sat on the twig wathcing me with its tiny eyes. No greater then a pebble it sat there, and i could see it looking down on me. He saw me and knew that i was there and i saw him and knew that he was there. And i wasnt alone anymore, there was somebody there besides me.

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