
I am being enforced into me by me

Ok so, who is it that makes me into me? Who is it that decides what i do?

Well according to normal english language you say: "Who drank my beer?" Yeah ok, so then you should be able to ask the question: "Who is doing my thinking for me?". And well actually who is it that decides what to think about for me? What i want to know is, who decides that i have a certain thought?

Ok the problem here is that if i say that it is me who is telling me what to think and tell about it for me so that me hear it in such a capacity so as to actually here it even though there is no sound at all. What seems rather strange in here is that there seems to be rather a lot of people involved in the whole process of thinking since the word "me" occurs a lot in that sentence. So that kind of leads me to think, and i hope im not making any emotional jumps here: The thought that occurs IS me, i cannot describe it truly in any other way. The idea that there is person having a thought is therefore false, the "me" is the thought that occurs. In here im actually giving a book that explains this in further detail, in so doing creating an ACTUAL reference to litterature i think you would want  to read: George Herbert Meads lectures written down against his judgement and spread in print. So GH Mead is pretty much a mystic/social psychologist, the language of psychology, the life and so the background for interpretation of a reclusive mystic.

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