

En obegriplig samling medvetanden bak de suddade kropparnas spel. Som Heideggers vågor, som i de brev som talade ur dåtiens volksgeist, om den fjärra tidens gäng i sina obegripliga ritualer, som i Nietzsches alperna, som i Wittgensteins festbadkar. Som i din spegel, som i våran spegel när vi ser oss omfamna varandra. Som att tiden inte går på räls, som att endast en punkt kan existera. Som att människans krämpor och lustar inte kan skiljas åt. Som att dina tankar inte är mer fjärran från dina känslor än att dom förekommer samtidigt och på samma plats.

Tror du att du måste äta samma sak till frukost varje morgon, att du måste läsa samma bok jämt, att du måste bära samma namn, bli arg över samma saker, ha samma sår, riva sönder relationer på samma sätt som du brukar, ta samma risker som du brukar, titta på människor på samma sätt som du brukar, hata som du brukar, älska som du brukar. Det kanske du tror. Men allt det där, uppfattningen om att du ska vara spdär tråkig, det är nara skit med det, det är bara gammal mental skåpmat, gamla idéer som du har använt dig av.

Kan hända bara för att du använt dig så mycket av dom där idéerna, så ser du inga alternativ. Men det finns alternativ, där inuti dig. Den där rullande, rörliga spretiga, blixtsnabba saken som inte går att se. Den är nog inte farlig. Det farligaligger nog i att stänga in den, stänga av den, stänga bort den, glömma bort den. För det är nog det du tar skada av. För det är just den där saken som är du. Du är den där blixtsnabba funktionen, du är inte en kropp, du är osynlig, du är den funktion som uppfyller något som vill bli uppfyllt.

Du kanske inte förstår vad jag menar, du kanske inte vill veta. Och så är det kanske. Jag är nog bara en orangerosa, äcklig apa som lärt sig göra krummelurer.


I had not walked far

I had only stepped lightly unto the sphere of the earth and soon the forest pulled my flesh to the site of meditation. Pictures where formed of how firewood where gathered and so forth. As cars went by on the road, the rush and bustle of their engines and the hurl of the winds as they sped by upset the mind as it found these things too disturbing. The legs moved quite on account of this somewhat forcefull rush to get out of such a situation. Slowly yet at some point i came upon that site of meditation, where in ages past rugged people had lived rugged lives in hollows atop the earth. So slowly and silently things came slower and more silent. The fire was lighted upon its proper hollow and food was digested.

Then came the earth healer and some communion took place. He was told about the big picture and how it could be wieved differently: Not so we need answers, but so that we make the answer and see it and so it will be there. And then he was asked if he was ready, because a summoning was taking place. Patterns traded places within me. The ground started creaking. The earth healer left. Then there was footsteps outside and other activity. Someone was playing or in likewise fashion moving around outside of the earth hollow. There was 62 distinct voices, most died in the 20th century, most quite young, maybe 40 years of age in average. Some of them did not even speak in tounges i could understand, only clicking sounds. Some did not even now much of our perception of three dimensional. Many of them had lived and died in Sweden, so most had passed quite near in time and space. At a few occations i spoke out loud, at other occations i just kept listening.

From what i learned of it all, there is a something that needs to take place at next full moon, so around 4th of May. It would seem i am to channel and old powerfull spirit called something like "Tenegra" or possibly "Anubis" as in the old egyptian entity. It could take a long time and there could be a lot of drumming and dancing.



Come smash me apart
Let me boil and burn to ash, let me be spread across your infinte landscape
Let me travel this landscape of your body over and over again
Frozen wastes and death wailing in my ears
I fear not
I die every second in your eyes
You turn me to smoldering ash
So i fear no pain, fear no toils and no evils
I fear you
Crush my bones, tare the flesh from my body
This is all the princes of the earth can do to me
And i fear it not
But you
Oh i tremble at even the slightest mention of your name
I melt and die at your touch
Im put together again
And i long for your proximity
I long to die in the depths of your eyes

To be torn form your lips is to have my arms hacked off with a dull axe
To see you over there is having my chest caved in by a falling tree
Letting go of you in the morning is like being cast into an open fire
Knowing you might start disliking me is to be crucified and dismembered
But i wont lie, i wont do anything in order to seem that or this way
For you deserve my honesty

Cannot compare you to anything or anyone
Have never known anyone like you
You are that immense brightness that outshines all other forces i know
You are unforgetable

But i want to be close to it all
That immense, fearfull brightness
I want to be close to it all and know it all
All your dirt, all your shit, all your insecurity, all you past lies, all the abuse, all the pain
Let me part of it
Or cast me out

Yeah im in love. Think she is too. And i tremble and fear that awesome power that creates and destroys.


Monofiliament razor

I walked the razor

All along the edge
With the blur on both sides
And they gray haired dude far beyond in the distance
Have no idea what happend that day in concrete
Have no idea what he was up to 
Have an idea
Have an idea what happend that day in the circle
An idea is formed just so as to be able to tell myself a story about myself, so that at some point i might be able to recognize some sort of lies
So that some sort of fragmnet of something is created by simply remembering something
And only through the love act of memories i can pretend
But also i must stop pretending
Otherwise how am i to know?
How am i to feel?
So i have to stop 
I have to stop telling myself all these lies
Have to stop his bluntness and crudeness of mind
I have to stop this particularity 
Of the particular mind
Of particularity 
He tells that cant be
That throbbing hearness
He says "No not now maybe later"
So we are inactive while he tells us these lies
We stop being the stars, the gases and the little bits and pieces speeding across space
We stop being that throbbing flame of the sun
We stop being the earth
And time comes and fethers us to particular existence
Smashes us to pieces and makes a "me"
A blood and bones puppet for "us"
And the puppet tells itself these lies of particularity
This is whatnot and this is a thingie and this is a piece of such and such
Thats what the puppet keeps repeating
But it knows
The puppet knows
It knows the truth
Even though it thrives on lies
Even though it can only exist when the lies exist

And so...

Within there is knowledge of how to live without these lies
But if i do that i am alone
So alone
Without fear
For the hour is late
Much has been done unto humans by humans
Much suffering has splintered humans into the lies of particularity

World news


India buying oil with gold


Taliban in Afghanistan are optimistic


US prisons are highl profitable


Ron paul supporters got told by the cops that they wont be allowed filming.


Executive order by Odrama


Occupy wall street still on


Freedom of speech? Not in the US


Mini quakes


Hans blix thinks Iran is not a military threat


Government in Syria is killing its people


Initiative to tell stories from the slums of Africa


India looking for coal




So thats some of the recordings of the Band im in. We also have video but we havent upploaded it yet.


Letting go

A few times in my life ive let go. I did not understand that was what i was doing, until today. I did not plan to let go today, and maybe the Mars retrograde in the sky has something to do with it, maybe not. Anyway, i let go. I just stopped holding back, and i just let everything flow. It has happend before that i almost let go. Once on a mountain i laid down on a rock in the sun and i almost let go there, but that time i did not move much, there was not much action in the body so i did not let go completely, for it seemes connected to the moving of the body. And another time in Amsterdam i sort of let go but its all a bit blurry, a bit fuzzy around the edges of what really transpired. 

But this time, oh this time, i let go totally, completely. I just stopped telling myself: "Dont do that now", its not OK. Or "Not now, maybe later". It totally racked my body with waves of pounding energy. I had to scream as hard as i could to get it out. There was no "i" anymore there where just "us". I communed with the sun, the trees, the snow, the moss, the grass, the sky, the people and the fire. There where no distance between us, there was no "I" and "the thing". There was no separation. 

And it really is that simple. Just let go.

Rituals, rites, tobacco, singing, dancing alchohol, drumming and so on, all of it is for nought if you dont just let go. None of it can make you let go, only you can let go. Let go of the idea of yourself. Let go of all those things you are telling yourself all the time. Just let go. 

Just let go of time. Let go of your so called "things". Let go of your memories. Let your body move, but let go of control. Dont try to do this or try to do that. 


I just cant figure it out

Why is it that i am the way i am?
I cant find a sufficient explanation
It seems what other people feel like a something opening up a little bit, i feel like an explosion
It seems that other people think sometimes for a moment, i think all the time
It seems other people treat theyre own life in a trivial manner, while i take it all seriously trying to make the best of it
So im thinking: What am i? Why am i?
I need to find out who i am...


The seizless thought

I am the seizless thought.
I am the thing that is constructing the sequence of memories that is called a person.
But i am not that thing that is called a person. I am the thing, the process that constructs this thing that is called a person.
I am the drum for it is in my mind, my mind involves it, it is my mind.
I am the face in front of me not the face behind my perception.
I am not me, i am you, and you are me. I am the spirit of 69. I am the face of love. I am the inevitability of the stars.


What is going on?

Part 1: Thought and perception
There are only two things that go on.

To pay attention to the surrounding, is to perceive. To see, to feel, to smell and so on, that is to perceive. But there is also another thing that can go on. To perceive is to perceive the universe, or some small area in it.

To cease and stop paying attention to the events in the surrounding. That is to follow your thought. That is the other thing that can go on.

There are things that have gone on but no longer is going on. And you can go back to that time when it went on. This is what is called remembering. Remembering is a sort of thinking whereby you become aware of what happend earlier. Memories are a part of what determines perception, but perception is not fully controlled by memories.

It is not possible to perceive what is false. What is false is negation and negation cannot be perceived. You cannot perceive a negation of a rock, a wall or a human. So then, what you perceive cannot ever be false. And so what you perceive is the truth.

However, we perceive what we think. We perceive it as a voice nobody else can hear but yourself. And since, like we just said, perception is the truth and thought is perceived, so thought is also the truth. Meaning no thought is false.

Perception is the sort off thing that does makes things readily availiable. Its the sort of thing in which "I am standing over here", "The table is over there", "The water is cold." and so on. But also less tangible things like how you describe certain kinds of light or what can be gleaned from the look in someones eyes.

Of course it is possible that someone might say this or that is wrong. In that case the meaning of what is said or written is then compared to the world around us. And if it doesnt seem to match up, that thing that is written or said then sometimes is called "a lie" or something that is "not true". This however is not really a problem. We can simply stop. We can simply stop comparing what is written or said with the world around us. Let us instead compare what is written or said with what is perceived. We can ask a person, do you perceive it that way or another way and that person can answer the question. And so we can be done with the whole problem if something is true or not.

Someone might say that this way of looking at the truth means that everybody is right and that nothing is worth  saying any more. I happen not to agree, i see no reason at all why we should stop talking, stop thinking or stop and not be merry along our way. But still someone could say that there is no supreme truth, no absolute truth in this way. But in that case what i have written have been misunderstood. For what is proposed is that this is a version of absolute truth. . At least thats how i consider it. But, im not offended if somebody dont agree with me. I fight for a free society, and in such  society people dont need to agree. But preferably they are at least talking about something interesting.

Part 2: Truth
For you who are interested there is a second part to this, but see it as an appendix, its not necessary, but for those of you with such flavour i will in the second part explain further what the first part ment.

Throught all of history, philosophers have argued about a lot of things. I think its safe to say that most of what has remained of that and is unreadable bullshit. Plato where, from what i understand, of the opinion that there is not much point in writing down what is said in philosophical discussions. And i think i sort of agree. The thing is, the context of a discussion is often not transferred in text. I however have found a solution to Platos problem and it is this: Give the readers the context. And so i will.

My context is that of someone who dont lie. If you read or hear what i have written, you will see none of it can contain lies. Meaning it does not have the possibility of containing a lie. So if it cant contain a lie, its the truth. And you know what, it doesnt matter if you believe me or not, because im not trying to convince anybody. I am only intersted in telling the truth. 

What i did or at least tried to do in part one was to do away with most of the bullshit and impossible problems. To make a way through all that stuff, so we dont need to bother much at all with it. And i think that is a pretty noble goal, to do away with the stuff we dont need and get down to the truth. What i tried to do was to explain what truth is, and in so doing perhaps i also explained something true. Both those things i take pride in doing. Even if i do just a little bit of truth before i die, im pretty content with that. So then i will continue to explain what amounts of bullshit i have tried to stay clear off. 

Also one other way of explaining what i did in part one is to say that i cut right through the dilemma of postitivist during 1915 to about 1940. This i did by totally ignoring the superfluos idea of trying to express what truth is in terms of language. The positivist, i think, tried explaining what the truth is, by only trying to tell us how it can be expressed in wrighting or speaking. Instead i expressed what truth is in terms of those things going in our perception and those things that we think. In such a way i steered clear of an insolveable problem. I found another way that is. 

Further in part one i also cut across all of the kind of psychology that says truth take place in experiments and tests. See how i at least seem to have spoken about the truth, and i didnt use any laboratory experiments at all. Im not saying that experiments are a bad idea. Im just saying that truth must also occur outside of experimental situations. And so we have done away with most of modern psychology.

I am really sort of intrigued by Freud. He had his bright moments. Maybe you want to know why i bring his writings up. And i will explain that. Even though Freud never really talked about truth, he didnt use that word much, that is still what he wanted to do, and in a way he did. Since his idea was to understand what people are all about, to me, that is pretty much like he wanted to know about peoples minds. And that, at least to me, is the same as wanting to know what the truth is. Anyway, Freuds problem was that he never thought about thinking and truth in general, and i am convinced you need to deal with those things if you want to know peoples minds. Since what does it really mean to sit down, or to stand up or to wave your arms around or to sit down calmly and let a sound vibrate inside your body. Or what does it mean never to be able to be close to the one you love? Or what does it mean to withhold secrets from the ones you love? What does those things mean? If you are asking that kind of question, you want to find out the truth about them. And if you want to find out what the truth is, you first have to now what truth is. Its kind of like if you want to fix your car you might want to check out what a screwdriver is, how it can be used and how to hold it. So Freud was sort of confused since he never got into the question of what truth is.

A lot of recent philosophical debate has concerned itself with saying what we cant talk about. Some have even reached the conclusion we cant say much of anything about anything, or that there is no point in saying anything about anything. Of course if there is no point in saying anything, even saying that there is no point in anything is also afflicted by itself meaning there was no point in saying that either. In this way, a lot of the modern philosophical debate has stagnated and enslaved itself. If you think there is no point in what i have written here, i feel sad for your sake. For there is a point to what i have written. I want to liberate you. And again, im not trying to convince you, and you dont have to believe me.


Having a look at Poe, Lord Dunsany and Lovecraft (pre WW2 horror fiction)

Feels like i need inspiration for poetry so im having a look at Allan Edgar Poe and i found this site with a bunch of his stuff. I think poes style is vivid, painting, lenghty and like Lovecraft after him, and as in Lovecraft many of the stories are carried by dialogue.


And also here is Lord Dunsany who, besides Poe was a great inspiration for Lovecraft who is an inspiration for me. He style seem simple, cut short and straight to the point and that of a perceiver of events, as in the old legends such as The odyssé, Arabian nights and The bible. He just jumps right into the thick of things without even explaining who is what and whay is why.


So the style of these two are quite different. Lovecrafts style is a lot like Poes i think. Though all three of them have their settings incommon, mysterious, weird and so on.



We send our children to places where people use bullets and high explosives to blow each other to pieces. And then we are surprised when they actually die.

We go out and buy stuff we know we dont really need. And then we cant seem to understand why our lives seem hollow and empty.

We stare at pointless pictures and hear pointless sound that multinational corporations made in order to make us buy all that shit we dont need. And so wehave no idea why people do as they do in Greece, in Russia, in Britain, in the United states, in Brasil, in Portugal, in Spain, in Libyia and in Egypt.

In school we are fed only the stories of the rich and famous, and get a glimpse of how life works but no grasp on the big picture. And then we seem a bit confused as to how the world works.

People seem to think that one woman and one man having children and doing everything on their own is the way to go. And then we are surprised that it doesnt seem to work out so good after a couple of years.

We get a god damn number attached to us first thing when we are born. And i really ask you: You really think thats only for your own benefit?

No more lies. No more bullshit!

Rise up my friend! Rise above the lies! The real revolution is here! Humanity can be free once again! If you think not, i pity you the prisoner of your own mind!

But maybe you prefer psychopaths and cowards forcing theyre lies down your throat?

Maybe you prefer to slumber and stumble about in a constant mental fog?

Maybe you prefer not to be a real person.

Maybe you dont even prefer anything.

Maybe you are just alive, not doing much of anything, not feeling much of anything.

But thats OK.

There is no shame in the things you did up until this moment. You have a trumendous beautiful mind. Your mind encompasses all the universe. Like Bill Hicks says: We are all one living being experiencing itself. Life is a ride! Nevermind the beginning or the end. We are ON it right now.

I dont want you to get up and do anything. Im not here to control you. Im not here to tell you what to do. Im here to tell you that you are alive. Im here to set you free. Thats my only mission. It doesnt matter to me if you dont want to listen or if you think im dumb as shit. I can only do so much.


Anti nuclear info





CANADA S ROLE IN DEPLETED URANIUM ( DU ) WEAPONS WORLDWIDE http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_uranium03.htm

WHY WALL STREET WANTS AMERICA S TAX DOLLARS TO FINANCE NUCLEAR POWER ( it s not what you think ) http://www.nirs.org/factsheets/wallstreet.pdf

Bad geology at Olkiluoto nuclear deposition site (Paha geologia - tekstitetty Suomeksi)

THE BLOCADE OF OLKILUOTO FINLAND 28/08/2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=KUlIHZJ5P1Q



EUROPEAN IODINE 131 AND COBALT 60 FALLOUT A ROUMANIAN REACTOR CANDU...http://pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2011/11/european-iodine-131-and-cobalt-60.html







ABOLITION 2000 ( current )

STOP CALLING MURDER A SCIENCE "I see a very qualified and honorable student debating with an extremely corrupt Dr. Takahashi who, without using these words, is telling the students that agenda 21 depopulation will proceed as planned whether the students like it or not."











Uploaded by MsMilkytheclown on Nov 29, 2011 The Lies never stop. It's AMAZING 




     with 0,001 RAD per Minute (slow dose) only 0,7 RAD are needed to harm a cell membrane.
    [ Thus per unit of energy deposited in living tissue, in living cells, high doses given at 10 000 rads/mn were found to be a 100 billion times less efficient at distroying a cell than at 10 Millionth of a rad/mn the rate at which we experience background radiation ]
    ( Note: F o r the case of 0,- in 
    oxygenated water a t near neutral p H (6.65) its 
    half-life may be estimated to be 28 ms )
     [ As Ralph Graeub describes a series of investigations by Petkau and his co workers showed that the cell membrane domage was due to a completely different biological mechanism than the direct hit on the DNA molecules in the nucleus of cells that had been observed at high dose rates at atomic bomb detonations or medical exposures It turned out that the cell membranes were distroyed as the result of a negatively charged short lived form of ordinary oxygen the so caller O2 free radical produced by the absorbed radiation from the life giving oxygen disolved in the surrounding fluid. This highly toxic form of oxygen difused to the outside of the membranes where it inuitiated a chain reaction that disolved the membranes in a matter of minutes to hours causing the cell to leak and die. It became clear that a single molecule of O2 was sufficient to distroy an entire cell. So that only a handful needed to be produced by cell/volume at very low dose rates, but at high dose rates many millions would be formed in the same volume in the lifetime of the molecule. The more radicals are created in a given volume the more they tend to run into each other causing them to be inactivated into harmless ordinary oxygen. Thus per unit of energy deposited in living tissue, in living cells, high doses given at 10 000 rads/mn were found to be a 100 billion times less efficient at distroying a cell than at 10 Millionth of a rad/mn the rate at which we experience background radiation ]
    Exerpt from THE PETKAU EFFECT
    XX and XXI
Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate aka Borax



Prussian Blue for Radioactive Isotope Exposure by P.H.
Prussian Blue ("PB") is a safe treatment for ingested radioactive isotopes that a person may have been exposed to from a dirty bomb or nuclear explosion. It does not protect against radiation, nor treat radiation sickness (there are supplement and drugs that help, see below.) It does not protect against all known radioactive substances (i.e., you would want to take Potassium Iodide (KI) as well to protect against radioactive iodine from a nuclear explosion.) It isn't a substitute for evacuating out of the path of fallout, or for taking shelter from fallout in a protected place. It's just one useful tool in the toolbox should you and your family be exposed to airborne particles of radioactive elements. And it can happen: the number of countries with nuclear programs is growing every year, there are nuclear reactor accidents (check a map for the reactors upwind of your home), and we often hear about terrorists wanting to make "dirty bombs" that spread radioactive material around.
Unfortunately, in spite of the government's encouragement to produce Prussian Blue (PB) pills for the public, it's not available yet in pill form. This means that if anybody wants this protection they're going to have to make the pills themselves - which, as it turns out, isn't hard or expensive to do! Here's the information you'll need:
Prussian Blue from this supplier is chemically pure. (I'm sure you could find other suppliers.)
MSDS showing it's safe:
"Approximately 800 cosmetic products, including 627 deodorants, contain this substance identified as C.I. 77510. In the United States, the use of Ferric Ferrocyanide is permitted to colour externally applied drugs, including those for use in the area of the eye. In addition, Ferric Ferrocyanide is recognized to be a safe and effective internal treatment for thallium poisoning. This recommendation provides further indication of the safety of this compound." - From the Wikipedia.
How to put it in capsules (one sample supplier, your local health food store should have these supplies.)
When you're putting it into capsules just realize that it's a very fine powder. One little puff of wind can leave your kitchen table with a coating of blue! It would probably be best to fill your capsules in the garage, or at least put out newspapers to catch any dust that gets away from you. Wear vinyl gloves or you'll have blue cuticles for a while...
The likelihood that you'll ever need this is pretty small, but if you've ever bought Potassium Iodide tablets you should consider buying this as well - and it's cheap! Be sure to follow the dosing instructions at the aforementioned web sites from orau.gov!
Here is some good additional information about nuclear reactors and fallout paths courtesy of Nitro-Pak.
As you may notice, the CDC .pdf file on Prussian Blue advises people to not treat themselves with the artist's pigment. [Prussian Blue, a.k.a. Preußisch Blau or Berliner Blau.] So a little observation and disclaimer may be in order:
1. Under ordinary circumstances, if a person were contaminated with radioactive isotopes the prudent thing to do would be to go directly to a hospital emergency room to be treated by a doctor for the problem. (Well, decontaminate first...) Don't treat yourself!
2. In a regional or national disaster, local medical resources will be quickly overwhelmed and persons contaminated with radiation are not going to be able to be treated because there won't be enough to go around, or because access to advanced health care will be impractical or impossible.
3. The information at the links I provided is specific enough for a layman in a disaster to easily administer Prussian Blue in a safe manner.
4. It's possible that the PB that has been packaged for medicinal use is in some fancy enteric coated capsule or otherwise more suitable for treatment. And there's no arguing with the fact that artist's PB was not intended to be used to treat this medical condition. However, after considerable research I'm convinced that it can and will adequately treat certain radioisotope contamination.
5. Safe administration basically boils down to obtaining a pure supply in the first place. Some art supply places will not have pure pigments (note: the treatment is with pure PB powdered pigment - not with paint containing PB!). Shop around if you're not sure.
6. The observant person reading through all of the links will discover that Potassium Iodide and Prussian Blue are only good for treating ingestion of certain radioisotopes. If the contamination included other radioactive elements, then additional treatments with specialized drugs requiring injections or inhalation therapy will be necessary. But those drugs require a prescription and are available only through the medical profession's gateway - KI and PB are readily available and safe for laypersons to use, and will not harm the person even if there is no contamination.
God forbid we'll ever need to actually take Prussian Blue, but if we do, the odds are very good that the government is not going to have enough to go around, or to start you on a treatment right away.
JWR Adds: Pharmaceutically manufactured KI tablets are available from a number of reputable Internet vendors, including JRH Enterprises, Ready Made ResourcesSafe Castle, Nitro-Pak, and KI4U. In this post-9/11 era, it is impossible to predict when either a sub-critical radioactive dirty bomb or a low yield fission bomb will be touched off upwind from you--by some terrorist or by a rogue state. Take the time to study nuclear effects protection. At the very minimum buy a dosimeter, a rate meter, and some KI. Make NBC preparedness part of your family's integrated preparedness plan. Following Richard Fleetwood's guidelines, upgrade your retreat basement to fallout shelter specs. Or, if your home lacks a basement, build a root cellar near your house that doubles as a fallout shelter. There are lots of free resources available from The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, and the Surviving The Day After Discussion Forum. Also be sure to get a copy of Nuclear War Survival Skills --a free downloadable book .(Print out a hard copy, or just mail order a bound hard copy.)