

We send our children to places where people use bullets and high explosives to blow each other to pieces. And then we are surprised when they actually die.

We go out and buy stuff we know we dont really need. And then we cant seem to understand why our lives seem hollow and empty.

We stare at pointless pictures and hear pointless sound that multinational corporations made in order to make us buy all that shit we dont need. And so wehave no idea why people do as they do in Greece, in Russia, in Britain, in the United states, in Brasil, in Portugal, in Spain, in Libyia and in Egypt.

In school we are fed only the stories of the rich and famous, and get a glimpse of how life works but no grasp on the big picture. And then we seem a bit confused as to how the world works.

People seem to think that one woman and one man having children and doing everything on their own is the way to go. And then we are surprised that it doesnt seem to work out so good after a couple of years.

We get a god damn number attached to us first thing when we are born. And i really ask you: You really think thats only for your own benefit?

No more lies. No more bullshit!

Rise up my friend! Rise above the lies! The real revolution is here! Humanity can be free once again! If you think not, i pity you the prisoner of your own mind!

But maybe you prefer psychopaths and cowards forcing theyre lies down your throat?

Maybe you prefer to slumber and stumble about in a constant mental fog?

Maybe you prefer not to be a real person.

Maybe you dont even prefer anything.

Maybe you are just alive, not doing much of anything, not feeling much of anything.

But thats OK.

There is no shame in the things you did up until this moment. You have a trumendous beautiful mind. Your mind encompasses all the universe. Like Bill Hicks says: We are all one living being experiencing itself. Life is a ride! Nevermind the beginning or the end. We are ON it right now.

I dont want you to get up and do anything. Im not here to control you. Im not here to tell you what to do. Im here to tell you that you are alive. Im here to set you free. Thats my only mission. It doesnt matter to me if you dont want to listen or if you think im dumb as shit. I can only do so much.


  1. Lite höga hästar men ändå bra som fan

    1. Du är en hård, svårflörtad kritiker så när det kommer från dig känns det.

  2. aj då, du ska inte ta mina ord så hårt:(
