

Come smash me apart
Let me boil and burn to ash, let me be spread across your infinte landscape
Let me travel this landscape of your body over and over again
Frozen wastes and death wailing in my ears
I fear not
I die every second in your eyes
You turn me to smoldering ash
So i fear no pain, fear no toils and no evils
I fear you
Crush my bones, tare the flesh from my body
This is all the princes of the earth can do to me
And i fear it not
But you
Oh i tremble at even the slightest mention of your name
I melt and die at your touch
Im put together again
And i long for your proximity
I long to die in the depths of your eyes

To be torn form your lips is to have my arms hacked off with a dull axe
To see you over there is having my chest caved in by a falling tree
Letting go of you in the morning is like being cast into an open fire
Knowing you might start disliking me is to be crucified and dismembered
But i wont lie, i wont do anything in order to seem that or this way
For you deserve my honesty

Cannot compare you to anything or anyone
Have never known anyone like you
You are that immense brightness that outshines all other forces i know
You are unforgetable

But i want to be close to it all
That immense, fearfull brightness
I want to be close to it all and know it all
All your dirt, all your shit, all your insecurity, all you past lies, all the abuse, all the pain
Let me part of it
Or cast me out

Yeah im in love. Think she is too. And i tremble and fear that awesome power that creates and destroys.

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