
"You can become anything you want!"

Ive heard those words "You can become anything you want!" How is that going to work out? When most of those things that are in "anything", is bullshit. People sit around in boring offices shoveing numbers or meaningless papers to each other while some fat bastard fills their heads with lies. While out on the streets some poor schmucks actually do something usefull like clean up garbage after the rest. In the industries men to whom "litterature" is either car magazines or porn, risk their sorry lives so they can go home and meet some woman to whom they have some kind of confused relationship with. Yeah, "become anything you want!" Seems more like "Come lets waste our lives in futile solitude and die alone horribly confused!". I dont care what i am, as long as i am NOT part of that. Once you come to that conclusion, you dont fear anything, you have lost all there is to loose. Once you come to that conclusion, i mean really got there and realised what it means, then there is no turning back. You cant go back. Once you have reached that conclusion, you are banished, you are cursed, you are feared, for other people no longer have power over you. Once you reach that conclusion, you are free. Even if you cant go every place you like, you are still free.

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