
Monistic aphorism

There is a subliminal signal in everything. "A crack in everything" like Leonard Cohen sings. Its possible to lay down next to that crack and drink from the ever flowing, golden power that leaks from it. And then to mingle with that incredible, blinding, throbbing power. With it comes all the wisdom of the ages, with it comes certainty of every thing there is to be certain about. But this way cannot be sought, for it cannot be arrived upon, for you are already there, you dont need to know anything more, you dont need to go anywhere and look for anything, for you are already there. You are already lying next to that crack. You are already drinking of that ever flowing power.

Industrial production does not contain this power, its the antithesis of this power. Its because of this power that we instinctively rather would have handmade objects then fabricated ones. Thats why we get up in the morning, thats why we care, thats why we exist, thats why you talk to other people, thats why you laugh, thats what makes you go on even though its hard, thats why we feel what other people feel, thats why the cab driver sends money home to his poor family, thats why you keep going, thats why you live, thats why i love you for ever and ever.

There is no distance, there is no up and down, there is no other thing, there is no time, there is no difference between you and me and there cannot ever be any difference between you and me. I cant hate you and love somebody else, i cant love you and hate somebody else, for we are the same, we are one.

A long time ago faces melted from the dark into the light
From the fog they came and the whispered words into our ears over the years
Soon we came to know them
They let us in on secrets
They dispelled the lies with their wisdom, so that we could see
And we step slowly on solid rock
That flowing power is what we direct, and it directs us, it creates the direction we feel

Walk with that power and you cannot fail and you cannot win because you wont be playing any more, you will be living instead, for real. Walk with that power and there are no games, there are no separation, there is no now and then, nothing is amiss, nothing is wrong and nothing is right. Walk with that power and you will really see the world my friend, you will see all of it at once, everything that ever happend, everything that is going on and everything thats going to happen. Walk with that power and you will not be asking "Am i doing the right thing?", you wont be asking "Is this the right thing to do?". You wont worry about anything, you will understand everything

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